Technical Updates to API V3 and Bulk Download

In general we try to not change the APIs very frequently (to minimize frictions for our end-users), so these are mostly minor updates, bugfixes or quality of life improvements, which might still require your attention.

Web API V3:

April 25th 2024:

Introduction of 6 new ratios and one new fundamentals figure. All these are related to adjusting net profit for non-recurring items, leading to an "adjusted" net profit figure, which is less volatile and better suited for analysis in time-series.

In the DERIVED fundamentals:

  • Adjusted Net Profit

  • Adjusted Net Profit Margin

  • Adjusted Return on Equity

  • Adjusted Return on Assets

  • Adjusted Free Cash Flow / Net Income

  • Adjusted ROIC

In the share prices endpoint with ratios enabled:

  • Adjusted P/E ratio

December 27th 2023:

At the moment the fundamental data updates are delayed because we are transferring the data on the new extractor system. Should be fixed by December 30th. The price data is not affected.

August 4th 2023:

Fix for income statement column names for the INSURANCE template only:

  • Item "Claims & Losses" changed to "Total Claims & Losses"

August 1st 2023:

Hotfix for balance sheet column names, leading to some columns not being displayed in the "verbose" endpoints due to non-unique column names. Made all column names unique now with the following changes:

General Template:

  • Derivative & Hedging Assets TO Derivative & Hedging Assets (Short Term)

  • Deferred Tax Assets TO Deferred Tax Assets (Short Term)

  • Discontinued Operations TO Discontinued Operations (Short Term)

  • Deferred Tax Assets TO Deferred Tax Assets (Long Term)

  • Derivative & Hedging Assets TO Derivative & Hedging Assets (Long Term)

  • Discontinued Operations TO Discontinued Operations (Long Term)

  • Deferred Revenue TO Deferred Revenue (Short Term)

  • Derivatives & Hedging TO Liabilities from Derivatives & Hedging (Short Term)

  • Deferred Tax Liabilities TO Deferred Tax Liabilities (Short Term)

  • Discontinued Operations TO Liabilities from Discontinued Operations (Short Term)

  • Deferred Revenue TO Deferred Revenue (Long Term)

  • Deferred Tax Liabilities TO Deferred Tax Liabilities (Long Term)

  • Derivatives & Hedging TO Liabilities from Derivatives & Hedging (Long Term)

  • Discontinued Operations TO Liabilities from Discontinued Operations (Long Term)

Banks Template:

  • Derivatives & Hedging TO Derivatives & Hedging (Assets)

  • Discontinued Operations TO Discontinued Operations (Assets)

  • Derivatives & Hedging TO Derivatives & Hedging (Liabilities)

  • Discontinued Operations TO Discontinued Operations (Liabilities)

July 28th 2023:

  • for the /api/v3/companies/general endpoints: we updated the value of market from an integer code to the string value of the market, e.g. "US" or "DE".

July 7th 2023:

  • for the /api/v3/companies/list and /api/v3/companies/general endpoints:

    • renamed sector to sectorCode, added industryName and sectorName

    • for /general only: renamed columns b_summary to companyDescription, end_fy to endFy and num_employees to numEmployees

  • for the /api/v3/companies/statements endpoints: replaced the currency code under currency with the ISO string (e.g. "USD").

June 30th 2023: For the /prices endpoints we changed the type of the "Date" in the output from an array of the form [YYYY, MM, DD] to a string of the form YYYY-MM-DD

Bulk Download / Python Integration:

April 25th 2024:

Introduction of 6 new ratios and one new fundamentals figure. All these are related to adjusting net profit for non-recurring items, leading to an "adjusted" net profit figure, which is less volatile and better suited for analysis in time-series.

In the DERIVED datasets:

  • Adjusted Net Profit

  • Adjusted Net Profit Margin

  • Adjusted Return on Equity

  • Adjusted Return on Assets

  • Adjusted Free Cash Flow / Net Income

  • Adjusted ROIC

In the derived share prices dataset:

  • Adjusted P/E ratio

May 2023: Added the start_date="YYYY-MM-DD", end_date="YYYY-MM-DD" parameters to all load functions. With these you can filter all datasets by date prior to loading them into memory. This helps to load large datasets such as the share prices dataset. E.g. start_date="2010-01-01" will only load data for time periods starting in 2010 or later.